Monday 25 February 2013

Coastal Landforms of Deposition

Courtesy of BBC Bitesize Geography (EH)

Swash and Backwash at Swanage (TC)

Swash and Backwash at Swanage (TC)

Formation of Headlands and Bays, and Cliff Slumping

Useful video showing the formation of headlands and bays along with cliff slumping using the Welsh coast as an example. (EH)

Coastal Processes (GCSE Bitesize)

Courtesy of BBC Bitesize Geography (EH)

Coastal Landforms of Erosion

Courtesy of BBC Bitesize Geography (EH)

Farm threatened by coastal erosion at Holderness, East Yorkshire

Thursday 7 February 2013

Coasts 1

Coasts 1

This first lesson on coasts focuses on both constructive and destructive waves along with types of weathering and erosion.